Links & Resources
American Public Transportation Association (APTA)
International organization representing the transit industry. Rosco is an exhibitor at many of APTA's expositions .
Association if the United States Army (AUSA)
Rosco is an active member of the AUSA. AUSA's chapters are located world-wide. Their mission is to support our Soldiers and the civilians and families who work alongside of them in the local community.
Arizona Transit Association (AzTa)
Arizona Transit Association is a non-profit statewide organization dedicated to improving public transportation in all Arizona communities.
California Association for Coordinated Transportation (CalACT)
CalACT is a statewide, non-profit organization that has represented the interests of small, rural, and specialized transportation providers since 1984.
Community Transportation Association of America (CTAA)
CTAA connects with important community transportation news, resources and ideas.
Connecticut Association for Community Transportation (CACT)
The Connecticut Association for Community Transportation (CACT) is the voice and advocate for public transportation in the State of Connecticut.
Canadian Urban Transit Association (CUTA/ACTU)
The Canadian Urban Transit Association is a member-based association that supports public transit as the core of integrated mobility across Canada.
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Regional Sector Coordinating Council (RSCC), New York City area Critical Manufacturing.
Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association (FEMSA)
As the leading trade association for the fire and emergency services industry, the Fire and Emergency Manufacturers and Services Association (FEMSA) represents over 140 companies that provide products and services to millions of fire and EMS professionals throughout the world.
Florida Association of Pupil Transportation (FAPT)
The Florida Association for Pupil Transportation (FAPT) provides vision, leadership and services to the student transportation community to improve safety, efficiency and service to Florida’s public school children.
Illinois Public Transportation Association (IPTA)
IPTA is an organization dedicated to achieving the best public transportation service possible
Louisiana Public Transit Association (LPTA)
The Louisiana Public Transit Association will promote and educate the people of Louisiana about issues affecting the importance of the public transit industry within the state. Additionally, LPTA will advise, counsel, and conduct educational programs on transit related matters.
Missouri Public Transit Association (MPTA)
Represent the interests, policies, requirements and purposes of public transit in Missouri.
National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT)
International organization representing public- and private-sector pupil transportation professionals. Rosco has been a supplier council member since 1993.
Nat. Assoc. of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services---supplier council member since 1993
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Develops guidelines for states to use in the development, management and implementation of pupil transportation safety programs.
National School Transportation Association (NSTA)
Association of school bus contractors that works with state and federal legislatures.
National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA)
Truck equipment trade association.
National Truck Equipment Association-Ambulance Manufacturers Division (NTEA-AMD)
The AMD was formed in 1976 as a professional association to work closely with ambulance manufacturers and equipment suppliers. AMD became a division of the National Truck Equipment Association (NTEA) in 1986 to further expand its position within the industry. AMD members currently represent over 90% of the ambulance production in the U.S.
New York Association for Pupil Transportation (NYAPT)
The NYAPT is a professional organization dedicated to the support, development and representation of the professionals who are responsible for the safe and efficient transportation of more than 2.3 million school children each day.
New York Public Transit Association (NYPTA)
Established in 1983, NYPTA is a statewide organization serving more than 130 local public transportation providers, plus hundreds of private sector manufacturers, vendors, consultants, government agencies and millions of bus and subway riders throughout all 62 New York State counties.
NorthEast Passenger Transportation Association (NEPTA)
The NorthEast Passenger Transportation Association (NEPTA) is an association of transit providers, vendor and industry specialists dedicated to promoting transit issues at the local, state, regional, and national levels.
Pennsylvania School Bus Association (PSBA)
The Pennsylvania School Bus Association is a group of nearly 400 school bus contractors from across Pennsylvania who have come together to be a strong voice for school bus safety and the school bus contracting industry.
Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA)
The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) is an organization of more than 10,000 public and private sector professionals committed to advancing from solid waste management to resource management through their shared emphasis on education, advocacy and research.
United Motorcoach Association (UMA)
UMA is comprised of more than 900 professional bus and motorcoach companies and more than 250 "associate" members, the suppliers, manufacturers, and travel partners who serve the dynamic industry. Rosco is an active member.
Virginia Transit Association (VTA)
The voice of public transportation in Virginia.
Wisconsin School Bus Association (WSBA)
WSBA is an organization that promotes and encourages safety in school bus transportation in Wisconsin, including working with the Department of transportation to further the safety of the Wisconsin School bus Industry.
Business Partners
Ashtree Glass - Rosco European distributor and manufacturing partner
Kirmuss & Associates Worldwide Technologies Direct Infinity Advanced Technologies
Emergency & Rescue trade publication.
Fire Engineering
Emergency & Rescue trade publication.
Emergency & Rescue trade publication.
Mass Transit Magazine
Public transportation magazine for bus and rail industry.
Metro Magazine
Public transportation trade publication.
Safety & Health
The Official Magazine of the NSC Congress & Expo.
OEM Off-Highway
Construction & Agriculture trade publication.
School Bus Fleet Magazine
School Bus trade publication.
School Transportation News
School Bus trade publication.
Atlantic Transportation & Equipment
North Central Coach & Equipment
Online Distributors
Rosco Web Sources
Rosco Vision Wikipedia Page - COMING SOON
Customer Testimonials
Business Reference Web Site
Fleet Insurance Reference Web Site
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